Welcome Lean Specialist,

What is in it for you?  Why should a Lean Specialist or someone else who is involved in a Lean or other optimization project bother to look into techy stuff like Process Mining. Read why:

See the real Process

No more “Paper Truth”  but real facts based on analysis of event logs (by the way, with no event logs, we are as lost as you are). We show you who did what and when, in a mouseclick. Too good to be true? Challenge us.

Measure the impact you make

The Lean methodology is powerful, effective but a lean project also costs a lot of money. Therefore all parties will be happy when the positive effect of the Lean project is clear and undisputed.  Process Mining helps you to measure the effect of the project.

Guide and jumpstart Lean Projects

Process Mining will help you to identify Loops, Bottlenecks and Unnecessary Steps in your Process. This will give your Lean project a jumpstart, save time and money, and so increase customer satisfaction.

Begin and End with Mining the Process

promineth will start Lean with mining the process to bring focus to the project, mine the process during lean to stay on course, and mine the process after the Lean project to measure the benefits and calculate the ROI.